As I read through the book of Acts again, I am amazed by the miracles and power of God in the midst of His people. One of the key ingredients that continues to resurface in the early Church of Jesus in the first century was the fear of the Lord. There was a nearness of God in the midst of His people which led to a holy awe of God which then invited the favor of God on and through His people.

To the extent that this is missing in the Church of Jesus today, I believe Jesus will remedy in His zealous love. It appears that we are on the verge of God drawing near to His Church in America again as He is exposing the hidden sins of senior Pastors and Leaders as well as all who claim to be disciples of Jesus who have continued to live secret lives of abuse and immorality. It appears that Jesus is coming in answer to the mistreatment of victims who have been abused and mistreated in secret by some of these servant-leaders who have been entrusted to represent the character of Christ. May Christ revisit His Family with the fear of the Lord that opens the door to His wisdom and ways and favor and friendship that is so deficient in our midst.

(Acts 5:11, Acts 8:22, Matthew 24:45-50, Jeremiah 3:15, etc.)

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