The Isaiah 62 Fast

ISAIAH 62 FAST:  Well, we are at the half-way point in this global fast for the salvation of Israel. We are currently participating with more than 5 million Intercessors from all over the world. The grace of the Lord on the Body of Christ in this season is astounding, to say the least.

I have personally been meditating in Isaiah 62 and a bit into 63 in the first half of the fast. One of the most clear message that the Lord has been emphasizing to me from Isaiah 62 is that He Himself is the One who models to us His personal zeal and desire to stand in intercession on the spiritual walls of Israel until the Father causes her to become the praise in all the earth He has prophesied her to be. 
  • Isaiah 62:1 For Zion’s sake I will not hold My peace,And for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest,Until her righteousness goes forth as brightness, and her salvation as a lamp that burns. 

The Great High Priest, Christ Jesus is standing as a Watchman on Israel's walls praying for her, singing over her, prophesying over her, and wooing her as a Bridegroom does to His Bride. He will not be silent on this matter on this matter. As a matter of fact, this Great High Priest and Intercessor has determined to bring all of His people and all the nations into this employment. WE then see from the Lord's model of Intercessor, He then prophesy's to Israel His plan of a divine setting many Watchmen on Israels' spiritual walls with Him to join Him in this labor. We are literally seeing the global fulfillment of this prophecy in one season of human history. I continue to have this vision of walls surrounding the land of Israel with 5 million Intercessors standing WITH Christ Jesus overlooking Israel and singing, praying, and prophesying over her to step into her divine calling through their Messiah Jesus. We are all crying out together, even weeping over her with tears from the place of this divine setting. We pray for Israel and Jerusalem without ceasing because the Lord prays for Israel and Jerusalem without ceasing.
  • Isaiah 62:6-7  I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem;They shall never hold their peace day or night.You who make mention of the Lord, do not keep silent,7And give Him no rest till He establishes  and till He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth.

What are the implications of this divine setting and employment of the Church of Jesus in the earth? What is the Lord setting up in this season before He returns? What is just around the corner that we may not be aware that requires this global response? Could this be the refilling of the Global Upper Room as in the Acts 1 and 2 birthing of the Church?

Let me make the final reflection and point that seems to give insight to the fruit of the setting for intercession. I want to propose that it is the divine wisdom of God to lead us into His  action plan  for justice after gaining His heart and perspective for His homeland and the place of His eternal throne.  We see the Forerunner calling unfolding from the place of prayer and fasting. We can see the Lord commanding these Intercessors to now carry His heart and message to Israel and to the rest of the nations. The them message is to be proclaimed as banners lifted for all to see. The  command for these Forerunner Messengers is to remove everything that hinder the fulfillment of this prophetic calling for Israel. These Forerunner Messengers and Prophets are to encourage hope to Israel in the promise that Messiah will come soon with great rewards. Powerful promises! They will be fulfilled! Israel will be burning torch of the glory of Christ! Jerusalem and her people will say, "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!"

Until Christ Returns,

David Futrell
Prayer Missionary
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