Intentional Rest

REST! Even as you read or say the word, it evokes its definition to your mind. Your heart longs for it, searches for it, and hopes to experience it in planned and unplanned ways. I have personally discovered the rest of the body, mind, and spirit in past seasons, some in unexpected ways but mostly in intentional ways. This is to be a lifestyle practice of regularly returning to the source of rest; Jesus. He invites us to find rest in Him (Matthew 11:28). Even while reading Acts 1:4 this morning in my personal time with Jesus, I am reminded that there are some promises that our Heavenly Father desires to extend to us in seasons of intentional waiting and reflecting. Imagine the anticipation and faith of Jesus' disciples as they obeyed His commands and returned to Jerusalem's upper room to wait for the Father's promise (Acts 1:12-14). Wow!  

After serving as a full-time Pastor, Prayer Missionary, Founder & Executive Director of the IHOP-Miami community for 16 years, I am taking some much-needed intentional rest with the Lord and with my family for the month of June. You can call it a short sabbatical or a long vacation. I know that the Lord has a few surprises for me during this pause and refilling time and I look forward to coming back to share the things that the Lord allows me to share with those that are close to me and to the IHOP-Miami church family.

Thank you to our amazing Administrative and Volunteer Team who have agreed to step in to serve in my absence during these few weeks away. I am humbled and honored to call you friends and co-laborers in this harvest field in Miami, FL and beyond. Thank you to those who have given financially to help provide this sacrificial pause to rest.

Finally, thank you to our community and to our extended friends for understanding my pause in communications and limited social media postings. If there are any questions or concerns, our Administrative Staff and Team can help address them for you. See you all in July!

David Futrell
Executive Director & Pastor
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1 Comment

Pierina Loayza - June 14th, 2024 at 9:37pm

Always in my prayers and your beautiful family!

nGiving Thanks to the Lord for your life, Christ like Heart and for having touched my life with The Heart of David Internship Course! Looking forward to seeing you back on July!

nMay you have a restful time with family!

nLove and Prayers
