Some Things MUST Change

To Our Faithful Friends & Family,

As Followers of Jesus in this season, we are seeing, almost on a weekly basis, God  exposing and dismantling toxic church ministry practices and structures. He is also removing abusive leaders from positions of influence over His Church. This has been a shock for myself as well as many in the Body of Christ. We have been left with many questions and little explanations. Unfortunately, I wish this was a limited occurrence from one or two international leaders in Kansas City, Missouri but is proving to span to many denominations and international platforms of influence. There have been senior shepherds in Christ' Body and Church who have unfortunately been given a pass, so to speak, for far too long and many Followers of Jesus (our brothers & sisters in Christ) have been abused, hurt, confused, and in some cases, turned their hearts away from Christ all together because of their pain and confusion.

This should never be the case and it is not at all the heart and character of Christ nor our Heavenly Father. His character and heart is always abounding in love and pursuing us in zeal and desires the ultimate purpose of us walking in spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical health. This desire is also extended to the under-shepherds who have painfully misrepresented the Heavenly Father in their words and in their deeds. As a result, I believe this is why we are seeing such a massive exposure of the practices that have continued in secret, seemingly unchecked.  
  • 1 Peter 4:17 For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God? 
  • Hebrews 12:27 Now this, “Yet once more,” indicates the removal of those things that are being shaken, as of things that are made, that the things which cannot be shaken may remain. 

I am announcing to all who read this and to all who know me personally, David Futrell, and all who have watched what God has done through the ministry of IHOP-Miami here in South Florida for more than 16 years that we are sensing God leading us to reevaluate a few key focuses. We desire to make appropriate adjustments as to fulfilling the biblical commands for Christ' Church in our city. (This is not an exhaustive list nor is it an exact final picture of what IHOP-Miami will look like in the near future.):

  • We are confident that the Lord is asking us to continue seeking and serving Him from the place of corporate worship and prayer, both for His purposes in our region, across the nations, and specifically in Israel. "God's House of Prayer is His Church and His Church is His House of Prayer. THEY ARE NOT SEPARATE!"
  • We have believe Christ is building His Church on the foundation and focus of FAMILY. We are seeking the Lord for what that looks like in our context.  The highest position and title in Christ's Church should be that of Spiritual Father and Mother above every other title. We believe this will be an integral way we operate in family and team ministry.
  • We also feel the need to reevaluate how we follow Jesus' command of 'making disciples'. What does that look like for us and how do we see transformation of individuals beyond mere conformation to Christian practices by mere involvement?
  • We are also sensing the Lord inviting us into dreaming His dreams again in a fresh way.  We want to give Him permission to restructure us according to His Word and will. We are all submitting to Jesus's leadership. This includes me, my wife and family, our Administrative Staff, our Eldership Team, and our Board of Directors. (We are also connected to healthy friendships with other Pastoral leaders in our city who we listen to for Christ's vision for our overall city.)

Finally, I want to say that it is my heart's desire in the grace of the Lord to keep following Him faithfully and to serving His Church as an under-shepherd, Senior Pastor, Executive Director, and fellow follower of Jesus to our IHOP-Miami family in the weeks and months ahead. I am also taking some intentional time for a spiritual retreat and family vacation in June to listen closely to what Jesus is saying to me, to what He is saying to the IHOP-Miami Church family, and to what He is saying generally to the broader Church of Jesus.

I believe that as we follow Jesus closely, times of refreshing will come and He will draw near to us in exciting and powerful ways. May the Lord continue to give us fresh oil for burning His testimony to those in our city. As we approach this summer, we are asking for your much needed support in two areas:

  1. Pray for me and the IHOP-Miami Family by name at least once weekly this summer?.
  2. Consider giving a weekly or monthly offering in support for the next 3 months while we seek to make the healthy adjustments as a praying church family.

As always, I am so honored that you have taken the time to read this and continue standing with us.

Your Friend and Brother in Christ,

David Futrell
Executive Director & Pastor


Praise the Lord Brother, I opened the link you sent and read the whole message. We are very happy an - May 15th, 2024 at 12:54pm

Praise the Lord Brother, I opened the link you sent and read the whole message. We are very happy and praise God because of the great work you are doing. The vision you have is very wonderful. The decision you have made to do God's work very quickly in the short time given by God in the coming days is delayed. Thank you very much brother

Stanley Goldenberg - May 16th, 2024 at 11:15am

Regarding exposing significant sin in leadership in the body of Christ, a key thing is for those who are the victims of abuse, whether it be sexual, physical, verbal, anger, etc., that victims find a safe place to share what has happened. Sadly, there are those that will falsely accuse and slander people in leadership. But more often the cries of the victims meet with deaf ears because leadership is protected many times in these cases. I write all of these words out of over 50 years of experience in various churches. Small example is there is a youth leader at a church. I was at violently rated me verbally and I was left shaking from the experience frankly I could easily recover from the situation like that however, I thought to myself, if he did that to me, who knows what he's doing to other people. so I persisted with the main leadership till this was adequately brought to the light confronted and repented of. I need another church with one of the shepherds with exposing himself to college age sisters in the Lord in private sessions. Sadly, it took some time to one of the victims logically attention of the main leadership. These delays are usually due to fear and intimidation and not wanting to Touch God's anointed. People must speak out - with live and patience (not to attack and destroy) to help bring leaders to repentance as needed.




Julian - May 16th, 2024 at 7:02pm

I'm so blessed to call you pastor. Though it's a season of uncertainty. It's a season where we get to see what God wants to mold. I love you bro

Patti Hart - May 20th, 2024 at 4:12pm

David I have known you to be a man of deep prayer and Valor. May the Lord reveal His blue print and guide you each step of the way. What came to me as I read your post were 3 things. I heard follow Me not man. Walk humbly before Me and be a servant leader. I am not saying you don't do these things currently they just shouted in my Spirit I think for the entire body of Christ as we move in the days ahead. To follow Christ is to model His actions and to have the ability to hear His voice and obey it. He was always on the move looking for the lost, the hurting and those in bondage. He was the Healer the One who Delivered and set the oppressed free. But He went out to the people. Christ modeled both being a servant leader and walking in surrendered Humility more than any other man . He set the bar when His knees hit the ground to wash His disciples feet and then when they fell in the garden of Gethsemane just imagine that sound of humility and surrender! May the Lord fill you with wisdom as you lead your flock. May a unique sound and powerful glory radiate out from them as they serve our King everywhere they go throughout the city!

Pastor Eddie - May 25th, 2024 at 8:31am

My dear brother in Christ, I have watched you closely and from a distance for a long time and can feel your pain but I can also see the zeal in your heart to please our Heavenly Father! He sees your heart and will undoubtedly bring justice to all the chaos around us, after all He is the king of righteousness! We've entered a time of prophetic fulfillment, the tree must be shaken!

nI am here for you unconditionally! Love you and pray for you always.